Off Grid Living in Alaska

December 11th 2018

This is my series page on my journey living completely off grid in Anchorage, Alaska.

Check back periodically for new videos and articles!

Monday, November 26th, 2019

Clear Morning View of the Mountains in front of Lake Clark National Preserve

Original. MOV.

These mountains shown in this video are not always clearly in view. When they are, it is stunning. I took this video from my truck to give an idea of how things look on the day-to-day, without actually taking pains to make things look perfect. Sometimes I like how things appear in ordinary moments, more than I do when trying to make things appear as nice as they could. This was just a crisp and clear moment from yesterday morning.

Below are some photos showing my rough location on the globe. When I took this photo, I was facing straight west, from the marker shown on the maps.

Large Moose on My Driveway This Morning

October 20th, 2019

Large Moose on My Driveway This Morning. Original Full Sized by Mattanaw. Terms and Conditions. All Rights Reserved.

A friend asked me to share some recent content and I was lucky enough to stumble upon this large moose with a huge rack on my driveway this morning.

How I Treat People Who Trespass and How They Treat Me

June 16th, 2019

How I Treat People Who Trespass and How They Treat Me. Original Full Sized by Mattanaw. Terms and Conditions. All Rights Reserved.

I own this property, and initially, the police indicated they would enforce the law.

They did not follow through.

So this man is free to continue to ignore my objections.

And possibly commit any crime he likes, with APD’s apathy working in his favor.

I have many photos of him trespassing on my property, even very late into the evening.

Just yesterday he was on my property, just entering, at 9:10 p.m.

Trail Camera Photos of Interest

Terms and Conditions. All Rights Reserved.

June 15th, 2019

A moose at night.

Just a nice view of a Moose within 30 feet or so of my RV.

A black and white photo taken at night, catching an highly monocrhome image of McHugh peak.

A sow and her cubs also spotted nearby. The mother stood up on her hind legs and gave me a tall stare. I’m glad I was in the safety of my truck.

Another shot of the bears

A Recent Hike Part of the Way Up to McHugh Peak.

June 4th, 2019

A Recent Hike Part of the Way Up to McHugh Peak. Original Full Sized by Mattanaw. Terms and Conditions

Along Came a Rainbow.

June 4th, 2019

Along Came a Rainbow.

Stuck Between a Moose and a Winterbear

February 7th, 2019

Series: Off Grid Living in Alaska

Last night on my property, my driveway was blocked by a large Moose and its calf, and I couldn’t push them off the road with my truck due to undrivable snow depths and icy conditions. The moose do not like to exit the driveway, even with a truck driving behind them. On foot they are even more difficult. There was no way I could scare them off the road…

Read more…

Chained Up for Icy Dangers

January 13th, 2019

Series: Off Grid Living in Alaska

Chained Up for Icy Dangers on My Driveway Full Sized by Mattanaw. Terms and Conditions

Windy Day at the RV

Series: Off Grid Living in Alaska

Windy Day at the RV Full Sized by Mattanaw. Terms and Conditions

See and read more…