
Friday, September 29th, 2023



Author: MATTANAW I., The Honorable Dr.9 Mattanaw, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh, Retired

Interdisciplinarian with Immeasurable Intelligence. Lifetime Member of the High Intelligence Community.6

Former Chief Architect, Adobe Systems

Current President/Advisor, Social Architects and Economists International.



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For communication, I’ve gradually decided to create tighter control on access, and nowadays rely on my Garmin Satellite communicator for text and email, and my iPhone 12 Max Pro, for occasional calls through VOIP, using Google Voice. This ensures that I’m not receiving too many unwanted messages, phone calls, and provides me offgrid ways of chatting with others who I need to remain in contact with. This includes lawyers, real-estage agents, and some few friends or colleagues I need to talk with to accomplish various goals personal or shared.

I don’t have a working cell phone with a cellular connection, and I don’t have direct access over any phone number. The result has a been a great reduction of unwanted relationships with companies or others who call who are unwanted.

Here I’m pogressing my communication strategy further to utilize my own communication tools primarily. For present I still periodically access and respond to emails, including those listed on this site, but responsiveness, reading, receipt, and so on is tightly restricted to what is relevant and wanted. I will also still use my Garmin SAT device and my cell phone over Wifi periodically, but primarily I will shift all my communication to this tool.

This communication tool is more secure than email or text message. Here I will describe the purpose of the tool, its history of development, method of encryption, and details related to why I or anyone else would want to use it. Interestingly, I expect that some who would learn that this is how I communicate may want to not use the tool further, and may prefer instead to use email or another method. Oddly, one does not understand the security of email or other messaging tool, but knowing less somehow earns more trust. Here I describe exactly what this tool is an most of how it works, and what security is provided, so after reading and understanding this information it will be understood and known that this is a more trustworthy tool than email, although its untilization is constrained to use with me only.

For readers, friends, colleagues and others who need a means of communicating with me, they will be directed to using this tool. The invitation to use the tool is one that should be considered an honor, because since my communication has been reduced as far as it has, and I don’t invite anyone to speak through this tool, using this as a means for communication is one that is special. I would liken it to having a intraorginational method of communication only between a few special participants, like if an organization gave cell phones, radios, or other comm devices only for use within a particular circle.

This tool was created by myself and utilizes industry standard encryption, although I have plans to utilize special cryptography I’ve created to enhance the security.

Although the primary purpose of this chapter is to provide the use of the tool, it will also be expanded upon to include details of my communication methodology and strategy, that is informed by my history of work as a software architect, and as a business owner with interests in protection intellectual property, and as someone involved in digital security of large websites of massive corporations.

Readers and users may recall a time in which a bank or other organization has opted to send secure messages to users via a system alternative to email. Sometimes an organization will send an initial email with a link and relevant information for getting to the message, but the user is then directed to another location owned by the company to receive the message, any attachments or documents, and respond to the message directly. This was expected to provide security measures that do not exist in email. Within email systems there are few protections against sending messages to other recipients, and less direct control over the methods of encryption, storage, and retention. It also provides them greater legal power over the authentication, transmission, and reading of materials. It can be confirmed what was read and what was not. It can be confirmed how the user interracted with the browser, if the technology was developed enough to check for that. Information leaks are hard to control so it would not be expected that users could not then take the same information off the site and send it elsewhere, but there they have not provided the means to send along that information. There would be many legal protections for using such a system that could be utilized in court if the user made claims that were false regarding it. If a user made a liability claim it would be very difficult to win under those conditions since the company has provided additional security.

Here I’m not really interested in this level of security, creating some kind of non-bidirectional legal controls with people I speak with. Instead my primary interst is getting away from using email as often or at all if possible. Email is a system that is not required to be used, but we have come to think that email is somehow a trustworthy enough system that we are willing to depend upon it. Furthermore, we are and have been willing to be forced to use email, in a similar way that we’ve been forced to use mail. At present from my legal background I’m aware that some methods of communication are indeed forced upon us by our governments at a minimal level, and this includes mail to an extent, “information by publication” which means if someone in the legal system can’t get a hold of you, they can simply publish a message someplace and pretend you received it, and signs of various kinds. They can visit your property and put a sign on it for example. But this can still be greatly limited using various techniques.

Since I’ve actually faced legal attacks from unwanted activists, and have been digitally harassed via social media, email, and the phone, I’m wanting to have a better strategy to control my communication. I’ve been successful reducing unwanted comm, using various approaches which anyone can use that would be effective in reducing unwanted spam from companies, unwanted mail, and unwanted relationships with organizations or untrustworthy people. It is true that all face this to an extent, but as one gets older and has new experiences, the true extent of the problem becomes more clear, and the issue begins to appear more complex. Handling of the issue is more complex the more one wants to disconnected, and this is faced by famous people, politicians, lawyers and others who were exposed to unwanted relationships and communiction in more ways than others. Likewise I have been so exposed, and now am interested in creating my own processes and methods of communication to reduce unwanted contact.

This communicator tool is an outgrowth of my earlier text encryption tool. That text encryption tool was made available to users of the site to encrypt their messages with password to send to others for decryption using the same tool. This uses industry standard AES-256 encryption that is impossible for a normal person to break, although it may be possible for large organizations or the military to break the encryption. That is unknown to me but may be possible. I utilized this briefly for business, and later simply used it as a text editor option of my own, for note taking, for play, and sometimes for encrypting my own messages. Usage has been minimal, but I retain the tool mostly because of my interest in computer science and cryptography.

Since the tool was useful for note taking, password protecting messages, and the like, it is useful also for being the starting point for a general application for communication that I intend to use for myself primarily. For users who are interested the message encryptor can be used to encrypt email messages, messages sent over social media, and messages sent by text. Anything that is text can be encrypted using the tool, as long as what is copied into the tool is not too large for the browser. The receiving party simply needs the URL to the tool and, the text, and the password. Some use messaging tools that offer encryption without realizing the simplicity of the solution. It does not require a new software tool for messaging to send encrypted messages. Instead one just needs the text, and can send it wherever and however text is sent, as long as there is not too much text for the tool. One could have a social media profile and contents that is all encrypted for example.

For those who are interesed, they can also simply take the entire page and publish it on their website or use it on their computer locally. It will still work. All the code is still visible in the browser. One can use this to confirm that no messages are ever sent from this tool to my server. It is a safe tool to use and no information is ever stored, sent to me, or sent to anyone else. It simply changes the text in the browser and is safe to use. Since this message encryptor tool is a simple one and this is easy to verify by any developer, it is clear and obvious that there are no special uses other than encryption and that the user can trust it. More details can be found on the message encryptor page.

The communication tool on this page however will send information to me, and will be stored, as encrypted text. It would not be possible to receive any message without allowing it to be sent to me! It is more secure than email, and after submission and reading, the other reading user does have access. I may be willing to open source this tool in the future so others can use the same system, but for now it is in development, is not entirely complete regarding what might be worthwhile to others, and is proprietary initially to ensure I can secure and meet my own communications objectives.


To initiate a communication with Mattanaw, the author, one can use the tool below.


  1. Enter text into the message field. This can be edited and changed and updated like a normal text message or email.
  2. Enter a password. Enter password into the password field, and save your password.
  3. Click encrypt. See that the text has been encrypted in the output field.
  4. Repeat until finished with message. Review the message and repeat as desired until finished.
  5. Submit. Once finished, click submit. This sends the message to me, and generates a URL for future conversation.
  6. Record Url. Record the link to return to later.
  7. Wait. The process does not immediately create a live URL. Unwanted messages never get a URL and go unread. It may take 24-48 hours to get a response, but if I’m hiking off-grid, it may take longer.

This can be used to have a long ongoing conversation, and it is easy to retain the link and check it for new messages, without receiving any notifications. In this way it is like standard email. Whenever you want to chat, you can find me at the link. If you lose the link, a new one can easily be created with a new message.


Enter Passphrase:

Enter First and Last Name:

Place where I can confirm your identity.

If your name is new to me I will check for a corresponding social identity that is real. Please provide real profile informaiton from LinkedIn or alternative in which you've developed a real profile. Note I've already done this extensively in this Book and Journal and want a more symmetric/bi-directional identity understanding.

Enter Subject:

Our Relationship:


Remember to write your com link down: