Bibliography, Citing and Referring

Updated: Sunday, May 21st, 2023, at 1:26 PM Dodges Ferry, Tasmania, Australia Time



Author: Dr.9 Mattanaw, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh, Retired

Interdisciplinarian with Immeasurable Intelligence. Lifetime Member of the High Intelligence Community.6

Former Chief Architect, Adobe Systems

Current President/Advisor, Social Architects and Economists International.



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This page serves two purposes. Firstly, it is my actual bibliography for my website. The first section is self-referencing. These self-references can be used by others who wish to refer to this site, without having to type out any APA citations. The second section includes any references made anywhere on the website to other parties.

All articles are written by the same person, myself; I’m the author of all the materials here. However, I had a name change in 2020, so you’ll notice the name Mattanaw, that corresponds to the name of this site, is used for content appearing after that name become effective via court order, on July 18th 2020.

References to works will be found to be mostly to the first section. I rarely use materials I did not myself prepare these days, or materials that would not also be on this site, in the digital library, provided. This work is freely available, but also, materials that are referenced are also here available, freely. In this way, this book and journal is unique. There is very little that is not on this site that the reader would require in order to understand the material; whereas, reading older books and current academic papers, references to materials are for books and papers that are scattered widely and not easy to find or access, and if accessible, maybe quite expensive. This journal is freely available.

Books that have been used here in reference are more to provide transparency regarding the author’s reading history. Also, to provide autobiographical evidence regarding what has been read in his life. It does not include all materials but is the best list available of what the author has read in his lifetime.

References to My Work

All my academic articles, articles, books and pages are located on this site as web content, corresponding to specific URLs. It is appropriate to use only one APA citation type, which makes it easy: “Page or section from a website created by an individual author”. All citations below use that format.

Mattanaw. (2022). Civil Law. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Criminal Law. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Legal Recorder. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Land in Anchorage. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Life Priorities and Categories. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Related Accomplishments. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Cycles and Shifts (Calendar). Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Humor. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Property and Organization. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Planning and Visualization. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Fitness. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Music and Art. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Mood, Habit and Routine. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Livelihood. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Environment. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Cleanliness, Health and Hygeine. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Mind and Mental Development. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Relationships. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Rest and Rejuvenation. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Nutrition. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Outdoors and Travel. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). ThoughtStreamTM. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Preface. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Introduction. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). SocialNuggetsTM. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Open Health and Identity. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Subtraction. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). False and Hidden Alaska. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Establishment Reviews. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Travel Advice for Mariah. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). A Modern Homesteader - Book Draft. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Mattanaw’s Certification Program. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Bio and Stats. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Stress Checklist. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Naming and Ones. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Mathematics. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2022). Humans in Cans. Book and Journal of Mattanaw. Mattanaw. (2022). Media ClustersTM. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2021). Nature and Design. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2021). Nature and Design: The Light Blue Notebook. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2021). Mattanaw’s Music. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2021). Mattanaw’s Nature Channel. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2021). The Significance of Ideas and Creativity.

Mattanaw. (2021). Mattanaw’s Wildlife Channel. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2020). Vegan Recipes. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2020). Sports and Fitness. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Mattanaw. (2020). News. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2020). Humancans. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2019). Mattanaw’s Short Stories. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2019). School Improvements. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2019). My Profile Scrapbook. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2019). Foraging on My Property in Alaska. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2019). Mattanaw’s Personal Form. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2019). Imagination and Filtration (Higher Order Attention): The Dark Green Notebook. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2019). Lists. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2019). Video Lists. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2019). WordlyCoinagesTM. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2019). InkyFibersTM. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2019). Stuck Between a Moose and a Winterbear. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2018). Politics in Alaska. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2018). Off Grid Living in Alaska. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2018). Rational Times. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2018). Retaining Your Sense of Intelligence Among Other Smart People. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2018). What is the Importance of Logical Reasoning in Critical Thinkin?. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2018). What is a Genius and Who Can Become One? Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2018). Why Do So Many Intelligent People Have a Hard Time Socializing? Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2018). Why Do So Many Intelligent People Have a Hard Time Socializing? Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2018). Windy Day at the RV. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2018). Fly Tape is Wong. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2018). How Do People With IQs Over 180 Act and Think? Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2018). How and Where Can I Take an Accredited IQ Test? Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2018). Bag O’ Marbles. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2017). Historic Phill Hartsfield Knife For Sale. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2017). Evening Visit From a Moose in Anchorage. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2017). Acknowledgements. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2017). A Flight from Tangier Island. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2017). Wilderness is Close to Anchorage. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2017). No, You Really Won’t See the Whales and Aurora Borealis. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2017). The Burden of Having Too Many Ideas. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2016). Strategies for Managing Procrastination, Part One. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2015). Imagination and Filtration, Dark Green Notebook. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2014). Black Notebook Two. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2007). Black Notebook One. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2005). Olive Notebook. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2005). Beige Notebook. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2003). Mattanaw’s Personal Form - Complete Scan. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

Cavanaugh, C. (2003). Rational Times - Complete Scan. Book and Journal of Mattanaw.

References to the Work of Others

American Heritage Collegiate Dictionary, Second Edition

American Heritage Collegiate Dictionary, Fourth Edition

Aristotle. (n.d.). Nichomachean Ethics.

Aristotle. (n.d.). Rhetoric.

Aristotle. (n.d.). The Basic Works of Aristotle.

Ashford, et al. (2003). Reflections on the Looking Glass: A review of Research on Feedback- Seeking Behavior in Organizations. Journal of Management, 29: 773-799.

Aurelius, M. (n.d.). Meditations.

Ayer, A. (n.d.). Lanugage, Truth and Logic.

Beardsley, M. (n.d.). The European Philosophers from Descartes to Nietzsche.

Berekely, G. (n.d.). Three Dialogues.

Berkely, G. (n.d.). Principles of Human Knowledge.

Boethius. (n.d.). The Consolation of Philosophy.

Boyer, C. (n.d.). A History of Mathematics.

Boyer, C. (n.d.). The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development

Catholic Church, Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Century. Phaidon.

Ceruzzi, P. (n.d.). A History of Modern Computing.

Chomsky, N. (n.d.). Syntactic Structures.

Confucius. (n.d.). The Analects.

Crocker, J. (2019). A Practical Guide to Off-grid Living in Alaska. Jon Crocker.

Darwin, C. (n.d.). Origin of the Spiecies, First and Sixth Editions.

Das, R. (n.d.). Be Here Now.

Dawkins, R. (n.d.). The God Delusion.

Dawkins, R. (2016). The Selfish Gene. Oxford.

Dennett, D. (n.d.). Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon.

Descarte, R. (n.d.). Discourse on Method.

Descartes, R. (n.d.). Meditations on First Philosophy.

Dower, J. (n.d.). War Without Mercy.

Duhem, P. (n.d.). The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory.

Dwight G. (n.d.). A Buddhist Bible.

Einhard & Stammerer, N. (n.d.). Two Lives of Charlemagne

Einstein, A. (n.d.). Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist.

Epictetus. (n.d.). Enchiridion.

Epicurus. (n.d.). The Epicurus Reader.

Feynman, R. The Feynman Lectures on Physics.

Ford, D. (n.d.). Theology: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press.

Freud, S. (n.d.). Civilization and Its Discontents.

Gamut, L. (n.d.). Logic, Language and Meaning, Volume 1.

George O. (n.d.). 1984.

Gladwell, M. (n.d.). Blink.

Godel, K. (n.d.). On Formerly Undecided Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems.

Goethe, J. (n.d.). Faust.

Gould, S. (n.d.). The Structure of Evolutionary Theory.

Grayling, A. (n.d.). Meditations for the Humanist.

Grayling, A. (n.d.). Russell: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press.

Grayling, A. (n.d.). Wittgenstein: A Very Short Introduction.

Green, Paul. (2018a). Rewards and Punishment: Motivation II. [PDF Presentation]. Retrieved from Canvas. Website Boston : Harvard University.

Green, Paul. (2018b). Week 5 Course Lecture: Organizational Behavior. [Video Presentation]. Retrieved from Canvas. Website Boston : Harvard University.

Green, Paul. (2018c). Groups: Team Effectiveness and Structure. [PDF Presentation]. Retrieved from Canvas. Website Boston : Harvard University.

Green, Paul. (2018d). Choices: Decision-Making II. [PDF Presentation]. Retrieved from Canvas. Website Boston : Harvard University.

Green, Paul. (2018e). Week 14 Course Lecture: Organizational Behavior. [Video Presentation]. Retrieved from Canvas. Website Boston : Harvard University.

Greene R. (n.d.). Mastery.

Greene, R. (n.d.). 48 Laws of Power.

Hesse, H. (1922). Siddhartha. New Directions.

Heidegger, M. (n.d.). The Concept of Time.

Hitler, A. (n.d.). Mein Kampf.

Honderich, T. (n.d.). A Theory of Determinism.

Honderich, T. (n.d.). Dictionary of Philosophy.

Hume, D. (1739). A Treatise of Human Nature. Project Gutenberg.

Hume, D. (1777). An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals. Project Gutenberg.

Hume, D. (n.d.). A Treatise on Human Nature.

Hume, D. (n.d.). Dialogs Concerning Natural Religion.

Hume, D. (n.d.). The Natural History of Religion.

Inwood, B., et. al. (n.d.). The Epicurus Reader.

Inwood, M. (n.d.). Heidegger: A Very Short Introduction.

Irons, P. (n.d.). May it Please the Court.

James, W. (n.d.). The Varieties of Religious Experience.

Jaspers, C. (n.d.). Socates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus: from the Great Philosophers: Volume I.

Joyce, J. (n.d.). Ulysses.

Kant, I. (n.d.). Critique of Pure Reason.

Kant, I. (n.d.). Groundwork of the Metaphisics of Morals.

kazimierz m borkowski 1991 the tropical and solar calendar year journal of the royal astronomical society of canada vol 85 no 3jun, p121

[Above is expressed in the initial Mattanawian citation format]

Kaufman, W. (1974). Nietzche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist. Princeton.

Kaufman, W. (n.d.). Critique of Religion and Philosophy.

Kaufman, W. (n.d.). Nietzche.

Kenny, A. (n.d.). The Oxford Illustrated History of Western Philosophy.

Kierkergaard, S. (n.d.). Fear and Trembling.

King, M. (1955). A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman. Copyright: Martin Luther King, Jr.

Knuth, D. (n.d.). The Art of Computer Programming.

Kuhn, T. (n.d.). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.

Lee, B. (n.d.). Jeet Kun Do.

Leibniz, G. (n.d.). Monadology.

Lewis, C. (n.d.). A Grief Observed.

Lewis, C. (n.d.). Mere Christianity.

Lewis, C. (n.d.). Miracles.

Lewis, C. (n.d.). The Great Divorce.

Lewis, C. (n.d.). The Problem of Pain.

Lewis, C. (n.d.). The Screwtape Letters.

Lopeze, D. (n.d.). Buddhist Scriptures.

Mackie, J. (n.d.). Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong.

Mahfouz N. (n.d.). Cairo Trilogy.

Mano, M. (n.d.). Systems Architecture.

Mendel, G. (n.d.). Experiments on Plant Hybrydisation.

Mill, J. John Stuart Mill: Autobiography.

Mill, J. (n.d.). On Liberty.

Mill, J. (n.d.). Utilitarianism.

Moore, G. (n.d.). Principia Ethica.

Nakamoto, S. (n.d.). Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. Retrieved:

Nietzsche, F. (n.d.). Beyond Good and Evil.

Nietzsche, F. (n.d.). The Antichrist.

Nietzsche, F. (n.d.). Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

Perls, F. (n.d.). In and Out of the Garbage Pail.

Perls. (n.d.). Gestalt Therapy Verbatim.

Pirsig, R. (n.d.). Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

Plato. (n.d.). Apology (4 Related Dialogues of Socrates).

Plutarch. (n.d.). Plutarch’s Lives, Vol I.

Plutarch. (n.d.). Plutarch’s Lives, Volume II.

Plutarch. (n.d.). Plutarch’s Morals.

Polo, M. (n.d.). Travels of Marco Polo.

Priest, G. (n.d.). Logic: A Very Short Introduction.

Oxford English Dictionary, First Edition.

Old and New Testaments of the Bible.

Quine, W. (n.d.). Logic.

Quine, W. (n.d.). Mathematical Logic.

Quran, Koran

Regan, T. (n.d.). The Case for Animal Rights.

Reiser, P. (1994). Couplehood. Bantam.

Robbins, Stephen P., & Judge, Timothy A. (2012). Organizational Behavior, 15th edition. [PDF Edition]. Retrieved from Prentice Hall.

Robert G. (n.d.). 48 Laws of Power,.

Roberts, J. (n.d.). The New History of the World.

Rodman, D. (1997). Bad As I Wanna Be. Dell.

Russell, B. (1993). Power: A New Social Analysis. Routeledge: London.

Russell, B. (n.d.). A History of Western Philosophy.

Russell, B. (n.d.). An Outline of Philosophy.

Russell, B. (n.d.). Political Ideals.

Russell, B. (n.d.). Power, A New Social Analysis.

Russell, B. (n.d.). Principia Mathematica.

Russell, B. (n.d.). Marriage and Morals.

Russell, B. (n.d.). In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays.

Russell, B. (n.d.). The Conquest of Happiness.

Russell, B. (n.d.). Skeptical Essays.

Russell, B. (n.d.). The Scientific Outlook.

Russell, B. (n.d.). Unpopular Essays.

Russell, B. (n.d.). Why I am not a Christian.

Russell, B. (n.d.). The Problems of Philosophy.

Russell, B. (n.d.). My Philosophical Development.

Russell, B. (n.d.). Philosophical Essays.

Russell, B. (n.d.). The Philosophy of Logical Atomism.

Russell, B. (n.d.). An Analysis of Mind.

Sacks, O. (1985). The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. Summit Books.

Sartre, J. (n.d.). Nausea.

Schafer, J. (n.d.). The Like Switch: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Influencing, Attracting, and Winning People Over.

Schwarzenneger, A. (n.d.). An Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, First Edition.

Searle, J. (n.d.). Minds, Brains, and Science,

Seneca. (n.d.). De Rerum Natura.

Sidgwick, H. (n.d.). The Methods of Ethics.

Singer, P. (n.d.). Animal Liberation.

Singer, P. (n.d.). One World: The Ethics of Globalization.

Singer, P. (n.d.). The Ethics of What We Eat.

Singer, P. (n.d.). Practical Ethics.

Skinner, B. (n.d.). Walden Two.

Smith, A. (1759). Theory of Moral Sentiments. Project Gutenberg. Retrieved from:

Smith, A. (n.d.). Wealth of Nations.

Suzuki, D. (n.d.). An Introduction to Zen Buddism.

Suzuki, S. (n.d.). Zen Mind, Beginners Mind.

The Columbia Encyclopedia.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead.

Tzu, L. (n.d.). Tao Te Ching.

Tzu, S. (n.d.). The Art of War.

Van Gogh, V. (n.d.). Complete Letters.

Wegner, D. (n.d.). The Illusion of the Conscious Will.


Williams, C. (2022). The Rough Guide to Canada. Eleventh Edition. Rough Guides.

Whitehead, A. (1979). Process and Reality. Corrected Edition. Free Press.

Whitehead, A. (1938). Modes of Thought. Free Press.

Whitehead, A. (1967). Adventures of Ideas. The Free Press

Wright, D. (2020). Canada: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford.

Williams, B. (n.d.). Utilitarianism, For and Against.

Williams, C. (n.d.). Dialogue on Determinism.

Wittgenstein, L. (n.d.). Tractatus, Logico-Philosophicus.

Xueqin, C. (n.d.). Dream of the Red Chamber.

References to Films

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References to Video

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References to Music

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