Many people helped me get this blog moving, but some contributed greatly for inspiration, support, and direction. Any quality found is partially due to the following people and organizations listed below.

This blog is part of an ongoing project that I’ve been committed to most of my life. There are many people I would like to thank. While I can’t list everyone, I want to at least mention the following people:

When I first started my blog, I was in need of more motivation and support than after I was able to add a large amount of content. The folks below provided support and inspiration that helped me stay motivated, to get it where it is today, and where I hope it will go in the future.

There are many others I intend to add (thank you for any encouragement you provided!), and this page will be updated in the future. There are some I asked who did not wish to be included here. I thank you as well.

Some mentioned here might disagree with what I’ve written, and will write, but nevertheless, I am thankful for what they’ve done for me.

Of course, this list does not imply anyone’s personal endorsement of the material or responsibility for blemishes. All opinions on this site are my own, but they would be poorly communicated if not for the people above. Thank you!